Terms of Use

Welcome to the arsoa-usa.com ("the Website").

This website is operated by ARSOA KEIO GROUP CORP. (“the Company.”) Before using the Website, those who desire to use the Website services (“Users”) should carefully review the User Policy set forth below. Only those who consent to the User Policies are permitted to access and use the Website. Also, certain services are under their own unique policies besides this User Policy. Please refer to each policy upon using them. Each policy is part of the Website’s User Policy, thus all policy applies to the services on the Website and its use.

1. Privacy

The Company places the appropriate handling and safe storage of personal information of our customers as a top priority and strives to protect such personal information under the basic policy described below.

The Company may share the personal information that Users provide us with the Company's affiliates and/or the sponsors. The Company may be able to have an access to the information with other non-affiliated third parties for the joint marketing and promotions of products, services or events that may be of interest to Users, and these third parties have their own private policies or collection of personal information. In no event shall the Company be held liable whatsoever for any and all damages arising out of, or resulting from, the use of such parties. The Users are responsible for keeping and maintaining their passwords and IDs for the Website in an appropriate manner, and may not cause a third party to use, or provide, transfer, change the name of, sell or otherwise dispose of, the same. The Company shall in no event be liable for damages arising out of inappropriate management, misuse, or use of the Users’ passwords or IDs by a third party.

2. Service

Modification or Transmission of the Website is Prohibited

The Users must acknowledge that the Website is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. Users must agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, transmit, distribute, repost, or create derivative works based on the Website for any other activities including but not limited to any religious, political purposes, in whole or in part.

Use, Change, and Suspension of the Website

Any and all information contained on the Website, in whole or part, is subject to change without notice. The Company also reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the operations of its Website at any time and without notice. The Company disclaims all liability for any damage incurred as a result of any changes or the suspension or discontinuance of its Website. The Company disclaims all liability for any damage incurred as a result of the contents of any of the websites that are linked to its Website.

Equipment to use the Website

In order for the Users to use the Website, the Internet access is necessary. Users are to provide their own hard and software to have an access, and The Company recommends no specific direction in relation to their choice of access to the Internet.

Copyrights, Intellectual Property, etc.

Any and all intellectual property rights in connection with any of the contents of the Website are owned by or licensed to the Company. Therefore, unauthorized usage or reproduction of any of the materials on the Website is strictly prohibited. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting to the Users a license of any intellectual properties owned by the Company or its licensor.

Unless otherwise noted, all the Website images, text, design, graphics, logos, button icons, recipes, audio clips, video clips and the selection and arrangement thereof are the exclusive property of the Company and/or its licensors and are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on the Website is the exclusive property of the Company and is also protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All software used on this site is the property of the Company or its software suppliers and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this Website for the sole purpose of placing an order with the Company or using the Website as a shopping resource. Any other use of materials on the Website including reproduction for purposes other than those permitted above, modification, distribution, republishing, transmission, display or performance - without the prior written permission of the Company is strictly prohibited. Any profit made through the use against this policy shall be transferred to the Company if request


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May 2024»


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